Mathlouma: Removing Honor from Crimes of Honor

Mathlouma: Removing Honor from Crimes of Honor

The IRCKHF in collaboration with the European Commission conducted a project on so-called honor crimes in Jordan. The project included a research component which depended on quantitative and qualitative research in order to obtain verifiable data and information relating to the crimes of killing women in the name of honor, as well as the production of a series of videos to raise awareness on the issue. The purpose of the research study was to investigate the link between economics and honor crimes in Jordan. It investigated the nature of these crimes in relation to a formula of poverty indicators alongside society’s perceptions of family honor, the role of women, and morality. Conclusions drawn from the study reveal that so-called crimes of honor are related to poverty, suggesting that the poor are more likely to commit such crimes. The research results showed that the impact of community culture on such crimes is prevalent in Jordan and that the government has a significant role to play in reducing these crimes.