Growing up in Protracted Crises: Displaced youth experiences of transitions to adulthood in Uganda & Jordan

Growing up in Protracted Crises: Displaced youth experiences of transitions to adulthood in Uganda & Jordan

In partnership with the University of Dundee, IRCKHF addressed the lack of knowledge of the impacts and outcomes for youth growing up in protracted crises to improve the efficacy of policy and the targeting of multisector programming for young people in Jordan. Through an in-depth qualitative examination of lived realties and transitions to adulthood among displaced youth in Uganda and Jordan, this research provided an overview of the diversity of experiences as well as in-depth case studies that map out the processes, impacts and outcomes for youth (disaggregated by age and gender). In Jordan, IRCKHF conducted qualitative and quantitative participatory action research. Youth including Palestinian, Iraqi, and Syrian refugees were trained to conduct the research with their peers.