Glimpses of Hope in the Era of Corona: Our Stories from Jordan

Glimpses of Hope in the Era of Corona: Our Stories from Jordan

The Information and Research Center – King Hussein Foundation (IRCKHF) team recognized that it was a scary and fearful time for everyone, especially at the beginning of COVID-19 crisis escalated in Jordan, and they wanted to capture the challenges while still seeing the positive side, to give people hope, hence the title of the series was ‘Glimpse of Hope in the Era of Corona: Our Stories from Jordan’.

The IRCKHF team tried to cover all those people that they have done research with or about, the most marginalized. People in Jordan often think that the most marginalized are only refugees, but the team brought the stories of women, single mothers, women married to foreigners, children of Jordanian women married to non-Jordanians, care leavers, people with disabilities, as well as some others that were just uplifting.

All the stories were published on the IRCKHF social media channels.