Gender Based Violence Against Women Displaced by the Syrian Conflict: Identifying Trends and More Effective Ways to Support Survivors

Gender Based Violence Against Women Displaced by the Syrian Conflict: Identifying Trends and More Effective Ways to Support Survivors

IRCKHF conducted research in Jordan for generating evidence as to the extent, types, and response to gender-based violence in the context of the Syrian Crisis in Jordan to improve prevention, protection, and survivor support, particularly with regards to sexual violence. The methodology, approved by UNHCR and the Inter-Agency Network (and supported by UNFPA) included surveys, focus groups, and interviews. All tools and data collection methods were approved by the University of Minnesota’s Institutional Review Board. The outcomes included: data on the extent and types of conflict-related gender-based violence in the refugee population, analysis of the effectiveness of the response to conflict-related GBV, and recommendations to improve the response. The findings were shared with the Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Sub-Working Group for Syrian Refugees.