Evaluation of the Impact of a New Evidence-based Medicine Program

Evaluation of the Impact of a New Evidence-based Medicine Program

As part of Abt Associates Strengthening Family Planning Project, the IRCKHF conducted a survey to measure the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors among participating in family planning providers in Jordan. The survey aimed to evaluate the impact of a new evidence-based medicine (EBM) program. The IRCKHF pre-tested the instruments, recruited data collectors and data entry clerks, prepared for and conducted interviewer training, and conducted face-to-face interviews with approximately 306 providers in the following locations in Jordan: Amman (218), Zarqa (50), the North (23), and the South (15). The IRCKHF conducted double-data-entry of the results for quality assurance purposes and communicated with Abt Associates in Washington DC on a regular basis throughout the project.