Empowering the Women of Tafileh through Gender Advocacy and Civic Engagement

Empowering the Women of Tafileh through Gender Advocacy and Civic Engagement

The overall vision of this project was to enhance civic engagement In Tafileh governorate by creating a local, grassroots community of women who are able to advocate for the gender needs of their communities and have the knowledge and skills to hold local policy and decision makers accountable when their policies and development plans lack gender sensitivity.


Women now go to societies and deal with decision-makers, they can visit the district administrator or mayor and tell them about their problems, which was not accepted before… now women are more aware of their rights

This initiative greatly contributed to shaping my personality… it created a dialogue between men and women, and women were able to overcome their fears… women are now decision-makers… they used to fear to do things and were hesitant… now they make sure they’re heard

I chose the issues from a perspective of gender to be able to determine how we will benefit from the issue and reflect it on women… 3 or 4 gender initiatives resulted from this initiative… we were able to empower our community

Now, it is the women who come and ask for planning and they now talk about public issues as a result of the campaign. They feel proud and they find a safe space in the association. As leaders, their participation has become clearer. (2019)

It shaped my personality, more people now know me and I became acquainted with different stakeholders. As for the society, it became more known and people started reaching out to me from outside the area… the society was not known, now it is