Empowering Care Leavers in Jordan: Youth Deprived of Family Ties

Empowering Care Leavers in Jordan: Youth Deprived of Family Ties

With the support of a Democracy and Governance Grant from FHI360 and USAID, the IRCKHF has been given the opportunity to continue its work on researching and advocating for the rights of children and youth in Jordan and the region. The IRCKHF’s goal was to identify and reduce the legal and social inequalities and discrimination faced by orphans of ‘unknown origin’ in Jordan and provide them with an official support system to allow a smooth transition from alternative care to care leavers. The first phase of the project looked to identify all forms of discrimination towards orphans of ‘unknown origin’ in Jordan whether social, legal, or other through extensive research conducted by the team and in partnership with care leavers in Jordan. Desk research, peer research and other research methods were used to facilitate the best research results possible. The results of the research have fed into an advocacy and awareness campaign aiming to reduce the stigma and discrimination towards orphans of ‘unknown origin’. In the last phase, a CSO network for care leavers deprived of family ties was established.

You can follow the project via our social media using #ECLJ.