Correcting the Common Misconceptions on Sexual and Reproductive Health in Jordan

Correcting the Common Misconceptions on Sexual and Reproductive Health in Jordan

The state of personal Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRHR) is considerably impacted by socio-economic factors; educational level, employment status, familial frameworks; as well as, religious and political beliefs all play a critical role in one's relationship with SRHR. In Jordan and the Middle-East SRHR is considerably confidential and remains a taboo in most educated and uneducated communities. Though very personal, SRHR exists as a community issue, as people are hesitant to engage in discourse; fearing community-based stigmatization. As a result of the community-wide reluctance to participate and engage with SRH-related discussion, many people have developed misconceptions concerning sexual and reproductive health, negatively impacting practitioner visits and overall SRHR frameworks. In this regard, IRCKHF in collaboration with Share-Net International seeks to research, collate, and disseminate knowledge tools that address youth beneficiary misconceptions about SRHR to better inform SRHR programming, policies, and practices in Jordan; adding to the scope and breadth of international SRHR knowledge platforms, but most importantly, to inform youth themselves.

IRCKHF will carry out research with practitioners and service providers to capture the common misconceptions women, men, girls, and boys have about SRH, then translate that into simple language with clarifications to the misconceptions. The corrections to the misconceptions will then be shared with the practitioners and service providers for distribution to their youth beneficiaries.