Barriers and Enablers of Women’s Leadership in Jordan’s Health Sector

Barriers and Enablers of Women’s Leadership in Jordan’s Health Sector

This national study explored the barriers and enablers of women’s career progression to management positions in Jordan’s health sector. The HRH2030 team conducted the research nationally, targeting urban and rural areas in the north, center, and south of Jordan. The mixed-methods survey samples included women and men working at the Ministry of Health, university hospitals, councils, and within the private sector to understand the differences and similarities in experiences across the health sector. Female and male health care providers, including physicians, registered nurses and midwives, pharmacists, and facility managers within the public and private sectors, were interviewed. HRH2030 leveraged the expertise of Professor Yousef Khader of the Jordan University of Science and Technology and Dr. Aida Essaid, director of the Information and Research Center at the King Hussein Foundation.