مسح الخدمات المقدمة للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة والناجين من العنف المبني على النوع الاجتماعي في الأردن
- 1997
Recommended For You
Alternative Report on the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Jordan- 2022
This Alternative Report examines and provides supplementary information to Jordan’s Sixth Periodic Report, submitted in 2019, and covers child rights between 2014 and 2022. It is based on a thorough review of literature including legislation,...
The Digital Safety for Women and Youth in the MENA region Programme (Salam@) aims to transform beliefs and attitudes toward digital safety, foster public awareness, and strengthen the capacity of women, youth, and CSOs to...
This project aims at creating economic opportunities for young women and artisans using leveraging digital tools. The project also aims to train the artisans in market-driven skills (marketing) to increase their income through selling and...
Survival Strategies and Implications on Sexual and Reproductive Health
This research aims to identify the factors that affect the local community and refugees’ access to SRH services. It also aims to highlight the impact of the displacement journey and other various factors (including living...
Female-Headed Household in Jordan
The purpose of this project is to examine the formation, decision-making, and well-being of female-headed households in Jordan. Additionally, this research aims at understanding the challenges faced by them as a result of supporting their...
The Najahuna program aims to empower 48,000 young Syrian refugees and other host community youth in Jordan, especially adolescent girls, and young women, to become economic, social viable actors in an inclusive, healthy protective, and...
Egyptian Migrants in Jordan
This research aims to explore Egyptian migrants and address the gap in knowledge about the current living conditions of Egyptian migrant workers in Jordan. including their experiences of inequalities, and the process and outcomes of...
Inclusion of Stipulations in Marriage Contracts
Since 2019, the Information and Research Center - King Hussein Foundation has been working on the Inclusion of Stipulations in Islamic Marriage Contracts Study, to demonstrate the right of both women and men to include...
Gap Analysis of Law and Practice Maternity Protection Convention, 2000 (No. 183)
Jordan did not ratify the Maternity Protection Convention, 2000 (No. 183), but has ratified other international and regional conventions that affirm this protection including the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR), the Conventions...
Correcting the Common Misconceptions on Sexual and Reproductive Health in Jordan
The state of personal Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRHR) is considerably impacted by socio-economic factors; educational level, employment status, familial frameworks; as well as, religious and political beliefs all play a critical role in one's...
Creativity in the Classroom Teacher Training on Drama in Education and Interactive Theatre
NCCA is conducting a project that aims to provide teachers of 1-12 grade levels with theater-based techniques, drama in education, facilitation methods, and interactive theater over three years for the purpose of enabling public education...
Impact of Microlending on Women’s Economic Empowerment in Jordan
The primary objective of the research is to assess the impact of micro-lending on women’s economic empowerment in Jordan. The study will employ a mixed-methods approach, including quantitative and qualitative research with female borrowers and...
In partnership with the Institute of Family Health – Nour Al Hussein Foundation (IFH) – 2021, IRCKHF is assessing the knowledge, attitudes, and practices migrant workers in the garment industry have towards mental health...
Gender Assessment for TVET Programming
A Beyond Group-led consortium has been contracted by AFD to conduct a Gender Assessment and develop a Gender Action Plan for Vocational Training Programs. This consortium consists of Beyond Group with the Information Research Center...
Child Marriage in Humanitarian Crises: Girls and Parents Speak Out on Risk and Protective Factors, Decision-Making, and Solutions
The study, which engaged 280 girls ages 14-17 and 67 parents and caregivers, used innovative methods, in addition to interviews, in order to give girls more ownership over the research and provide them with a...
Youth Shadow Councils in Local Administration
The Shadow Council for Youth gathered more than 50 youth (female and male) from three areas in Jordan Na'our, Madaba and Husban to enforce Article 4, Paragraph A-6 of the Municipalities Law 2015, which gives...
Impact of Women’s Movement in Jordan in 50 Years
The main objective of this research is to explore and capture the impact of the women’s movement over the last 50 years on the Jordanian society and Jordanian women’s rights. The research will focus on...
Preventing and Responding to Child Marriage in Humanitarian Settings: A Participatory Study of Drivers, Decision-Making Factors, and Community-based Solutions
Understanding Masculinities: International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) Jordan
The International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) is the largest multi-country study of its kind in the Middle East and North Africa. Coordinated by Promundo and UN Women, in collaboration with the Center for...
You Have a Right, a Choice …Claim It!
The King Hussein Foundation (KHF) is leading a consortium comprising of the Institute for Family Health – Noor Al Hussein Foundation (IFH-NHF), Information and Research Center – King Hussein Foundation (IRCKHF), and I Am Human...
Social Movements in the Aftermath of the Arab Uprisings From Marginalization to Participation?
This project was conducted in two Arab states: Egypt and Jordan. This qualitative study aimed at obtaining a broader understanding of the activities of several movements related to human rights, politics, civil matters, youth, trade unions,...
Evaluation of “Beyond Basic Education: Promoting Opportunities for transition to secondary education and Preventing Child Marriage among Syrian Refugee Girls in urban settings”
The aim of the evaluation was to monitor and evaluate the project’s objectives and activities, as well as to introduce accountability and learning so that beneficiaries provide feedback that will help guide program implementation. In...
Social Security and Women’s Employment in the Private Sector
This research explored the ways in which the social security reforms changed hiring and retention practices of women in the private sector and how the amendment impacted women’s willingness to enter and continue working in...
COVID-19 and the Double Burden on Women in Jordan
As families were forced to stay at home during the lockdown, the Information and Research Center – King Hussein Foundation, in partnership with Hivos with support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands...
Glimpses of Hope in the Era of Corona: Our Stories from Jordan
The Information and Research Center – King Hussein Foundation (IRCKHF) team recognized that it was a scary and fearful time for everyone, especially at the beginning of COVID-19 crisis escalated in Jordan, and they wanted...
Gender Discrimination in Jordan
The objective of this study was to explore the prevalence and root causes of gender discrimination and patriarchy in Jordan. It examined the extent to which patriarchy is embedded in national legislation and societal practices...
Needs Assessment of Women and Youth in Ajloun
This assessment is part of a larger project implemented by the King Hussein Foundation (KHF) titled "Enhancing the Role of Community Organizations in Local Development in Ajloun Governorate" that aimed to help Community-based Organizations (CBOs)...
Empowering Civil Society through Community Media: Monitoring 7 media sources
The overall goal of this project is to strengthen the role of civil society in promoting human rights and democratic reform, enhancing political participation and political representation, and giving special attention to women's rights. In...
Empowering the Women of Tafileh through Gender Advocacy and Civic Engagement
The overall vision of this project was to enhance civic engagement In Tafileh governorate by creating a local, grassroots community of women who are able to advocate for the gender needs of their communities and...
Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence Programme (GAGE)
Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE) is a nine-year (2015-2024) mixed methods longitudinal research and evaluation programme funded by UK Aid from the UK government. It will generate and share evidence on good-practice programmes and...
From Vulnerable Girls to Empowered Women
The project aims to contribute to a stronger and more synergized civil society for the enjoyment of all young women’s social and economic rights in Jordan by building the institutional capacity of community-based organizations to...
Evaluation of the project “Every Step Makes a Difference”
The Information and Research center – King Hussein Foundation conducted the final evaluation of the project "Every Step Makes a Difference" with the implementation of the National Center for Culture and Arts in partnership with...
Takamol – HAQQI Gender Clearing House
The IRCKHF established the Takamol - HAQQI Gender Clearing House platform as a unique opportunity to enrich the gender discussion in Jordan through personalizing, enriching, and enhancing the gender information in HAQQI Information Zone. The...
Social Media Based Research and Campaign for National Youth Strategy 2017 – 2025
In collaboration with Leaders of Tomorrow (LoT), the IRCKHF conducted social media-based research and campaign for the National Youth Strategy 2017 – 2025. The objective of this research and campaign was to collect data that...
A Promise of Tomorrow: The Effects of UNHCR and UNICEF Cash Assistance on Syrian Refugees in Jordan
The central purpose of this project was to support UNICEF and UNHCR in obtaining a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the short and longer-term impacts of different social transfer packages being provided to Syrian...
Youth Assessment: The situation of Syrian Refugee and Host Community Youth
This research assessed the situation of Syrian Refugee youth and host-community youth in Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, and Iraq, in order to better understand the needs, aspirations, and challenges faced by displaced and local community youth...
Gender Based Violence Against Women Displaced by the Syrian Conflict: Identifying Trends and More Effective Ways to Support Survivors
IRCKHF conducted research in Jordan for generating evidence as to the extent, types, and response to gender-based violence in the context of the Syrian Crisis in Jordan to improve prevention, protection, and survivor support, particularly...
Barriers and Enablers of Women’s Leadership in Jordan’s Health Sector
This national study explored the barriers and enablers of women’s career progression to management positions in Jordan’s health sector. The HRH2030 team conducted the research nationally, targeting urban and rural areas in the north, center,...
Poverty Alleviation and Women Refugees in the Middle East: Empowerment through Grassroots Micro-Entrepreneurship
This project explored the effectiveness and impact of the available pathways for support and advice for displaced and refugee women and analyzed the extent to which entrepreneurship is a sustainable conduit for poverty alleviation and...
Jordanian Shadow Report for ‘Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities’ (CRPD)
IRCKHF, in partnership with Identity Center and “I AM HUMAN” Society for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities prepared a comprehensive shadow report for the CRPD which has been presented in the reporting cycle with the...
Share-Net International: The Knowledge Platform for SRHR and HIV
Jordan was selected in June 2014 as the third focus country to establish a knowledge platform for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and HIV. The original platform was launched in the Netherlands in...
Tobacco Smoking among Jordanian Teenagers
In an effort to raise awareness on the numerous health, social and economic harms of smoking and to urge decision-makers to draw up policies directed to curb it, the Information and Research Center - King...
National Study on Child Labor in Jordan
The Information and Research Center - King Hussein Foundation (IRCKHF) was commissioned by the International Program on the Elimination of Child Labor (IPEC) of the International Labor Organization (ILO) to conduct a national study on...
Family, Local Child Rearing Practices, and Existing Programs and Services in Disadvantaged Areas in Jordan
The Information and Research Center - King Hussein Foundation (IRCKHF) has conducted a situation analysis report in collaboration with the United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization (UNESCO) that looked into family education in economically...
Middle East and North Africa Child Protection Initiative
The Information and Research Center - King Hussein Foundation (IRCKHF), in collaboration with the Arab Urban Development Institute, examined the status of disadvantaged children (working, street, disabled, and refugees) in Amman. The study aimed to...
Children and Reading: An Environmental Assessment
This project consists of a series of research studies conducted by the Information and Research Center - King Hussein Foundation (IRCKHF) in collaboration with Anna Lindh Foundation. The research includes an analysis of the problems...
Female Killings in Jordan
IRCKHF conducted this study in cooperation with the Jordanian Judicial Council, the Public Security Directorate, and the Forensic (Medical Examiner) Branch, with support from UNIFEM Arab States Regional Office. The purpose of the study was...
Evaluation: Strengthening the Role of Jordanian Civil Society in Promoting Human Rights and Democratic Reform
IRCKHF conducted monitoring and evaluation for one of the Institute for Family Health - Noor Al Hussein Foundation (IFH) projects between 2008-2010. The aim of the project was to enhance the Jordanian communities’ understanding of...
Market Needs Analysis for Tamweelkom
In cooperation with Tamweelcom - Jordan Micro Credit Company, the Information and Research Center - King Hussein Foundation (IRCKHF) conducted a market needs assessment of Tamweelcom products and services in three targeted areas: Madaba, Amman,...
Violence against Women in Jabal Al-Nasser
In partnership with the International Rescue Committee, the Information and Research Center - King Hussein Foundation (IRCKHF) addressed the problem of violence against women in Jordan through a baseline study conducted in Jabal Al Naser...
Mathlouma: Removing Honor from Crimes of Honor
The IRCKHF in collaboration with the European Commission conducted a project on so-called honor crimes in Jordan. The project included a research component which depended on quantitative and qualitative research in order to obtain verifiable...
Poverty Pockets: Baseline and Needs Assessment
As part of a national effort to profile and assess poverty pockets in Jordan, the Information and Research Center - King Hussein Foundation (IRCKHF) conducted a needs assessment of eight poverty pockets around Jordan. The...
Health, Psychological and Social Needs Assessment of Iraqi Refugees in Al-Hashimi Al-Shamali
With the support of the Institute for Family Health - Noor Al Hussein Foundation (IFH), the Information and Research Center - King Hussein Foundation (IRCKHF) conducted an assessment of the health and psychosocial needs of...
Patterns of Violence in Greater Amman and Zarqa
In 2011, the IRCKHF and the Rehabilitation and Research Center for Torture Victims in Denmark (RCT), currently known as Dignity, undertook a qualitative and quantitative study on patterns of violence in Greater Amman and Zarqa....
To Be a Girl in Jordan: A Legal and Cultural Bias
This project aimed to promote awareness of the girl child’s rights and advocate reformative policy change towards gender equality in the law based on evidence from research results. The research consisted of a review of...
Reversing the Gender Bias against Jordanian Women Married to Foreigners
With the sponsorship of the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR), the IRCKHF designed a research and advocacy project to reverse the gender bias against Jordanian women married to foreigners. The IRCKHF assessed...
The Case of Women’s Rights in Jordan – A Struggle from Childhood to Adulthood
In partnership with King Hussein Foundation International, the IRCKHF conducted a study as part of the project to map, analyze, and promote women's rights in Jordan from childhood to adulthood. The overall objective of the...
Partners in NGO Excellence Program
In collaboration with the Civil Society Program (CSP) and as part of the 'Partners in NGO Excellence' project, the IRCKHF conducted group training for assigned Community Based Organisations (CBOs), utilizing the CSP's approved training material....
CSO Sustainability Index for the Middle East and North Africa
The Information and Research Center has started assessing and preparing the Civil Society Organization sustainability since 2015, in which the four years 2011-2015 were covered. To achieve this purpose and assessment, a committee of experts...
Coping Mechanisms of Single Parents in Jordan
In 2012, the IRCKHF, in collaboration with the Gender and Social Fund-Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), conducted an exploratory study on single parents in Jordan. The study aimed to investigate problems and coping mechanisms of...
MUSAWA: Strengthening Self Advocacy Capacities for Rights and Equal Opportunities of People with Disabilities in Middle East
In 2012, the IRCKHF conducted the final evaluation of a project conducted by Humanity and Inclusion (was known as Handicap International) entitled "Musawa: Strengthening Self Advocacy Capacities for Rights and Equal Opportunities of People with Disabilities...
Social Insurance Reform in Jordan: Awareness and Perceptions of Employment Opportunities for Women
The social insurance law introduced by the Jordanian government in 2010 was created in part to improve the likelihood of women’s employment through non- and gender specific changes. This study, which comprised individual interviews and...
Evaluation of the Impact of a New Evidence-based Medicine Program
As part of Abt Associates Strengthening Family Planning Project, the IRCKHF conducted a survey to measure the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors among participating in family planning providers in Jordan. The survey aimed to evaluate the...
Review of Reporting Data for the Program’s Performance Indicators and Recommendations for Improvements
IRCKHF conducted verification of the International Youth Foundation’s (IYF) Youth for Future (Y4F) Program’s selected key performance indicators. Specific objectives of the verification included: ensuring the quality and completeness of the evidence and forms related...
Coalition: My Nationality is the Right of my Family
The IRCKHF built the first civil society coalition "My Nationality is The Right of My Family" consisting of both organizations and individuals. The objective of the project advocated for the amendment of the Constitution to...
National Youth Survey in Jordan
The objective of the National Youth Survey was to identify and update data on the status of Jordanian youth (aged 10-24) by assessing their situation, priorities, and aspirations. The survey’s results were intended to support...
Homebound Girls in Jordan
This qualitative study was conducted by IRCKHF in collaboration with Save the Children International, and it was published in 2013. The purpose of this research was to explore the phenomenon of homebound girls in Jordan...
Mobilizing Young Jordanians towards Effective Political Participation
This research conducted by the IRCKHF was the first phase of a project by The National Center for Culture and Arts–King Hussein Foundation entitled ‘Mobilizing Young Jordanians towards Effective Political Participation’. The project aimed to...
Empowerment of Young Women in the Workforce
The IRCKHF conducted a baseline survey to measure the awareness of students and community members and address social issues and dilemmas facing young women as they enter the workforce. Based on the findings and outcomes...
Strengthening Disabled Peoples Organizations’ Role in Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue for Democratic Change in Jordan, Egypt and Occupied Palestinian Territories
IRCKHF conducted a baseline assessment of key national Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and government representatives whom can be actively engaged in Handicap International's future plans to support Disabled Peoples Organizations (DPOs) in advocating for disability...
Kinship Care: Syrian Refugee Children in Jordan
In collaboration with Save the Children International, IRCKHF conducted a study on Kinship Care for Syrian Refugees in Jordan. The aim of the study was to increase the understanding of kinship care practices experienced by...
Digital Privacy in Jordan: Perceptions and Implications
IRCKHF partnered with 7iber on a research project on digital privacy in Jordan. The research aims to investigate the concept of digital privacy and capture the knowledge, perceptions and experiences of different Jordanians. This six...
Market Assessment of Bani Kinanah and North Mazar Districts
This market assessment in Bani Kinanah and North Mazar is one part of a project that was seeking to improve the socio-economic situation of Jordanian and Syrian women and youth by building their skills and...
The Path to Active Citizenship in Jordan
Under the auspices of the European Union and Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the IRCKHF explored the civic engagement of one of Jordan’s most at-risk populations – its youth. Through a background paper...
Empowering Care Leavers in Jordan: Youth Deprived of Family Ties
With the support of a Democracy and Governance Grant from FHI360 and USAID, the IRCKHF has been given the opportunity to continue its work on researching and advocating for the rights of children and youth...
Sexual Harassment Among Jordanian College Students: Pilot Testing a Promising Primary Intervention
The issue of sexual harassment is increasingly being reported by students in the Middle East, including Jordan. Preventing sexual harassment in Jordanian universities is essential to empowering women because education is associated with a number...
Gendering the Jordanian Parliament Research Center
This project enhanced the gender balance in Jordan by incorporating the position of women in the policy making process through gender mainstreaming the Jordanian Parliament’s Research Center, which aims to provide MPs with independent, empirical...
Women and Radicalization Prevention in Jordan project (WRPJ)
The goal of this research was to explore the relationship between gender-based violence (GBV) and radicalization in Jordan. Using a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods, a total of 238 interviews were conducted with women...
HAQQI Information Zone
HAQQI Information Zone was launched in 2014 by the IRCKHF with the support of the American Bar Association- Rule of Law Initiative and USAID. HAQQI is an open space for all to access information in...
Conserving Cultural Heritage: The Resilience of Forcibly Displaced Syrian Artisans in Jordan
This project explored the resilience, vulnerabilities and identities of Syrian male refugee artisans residing in Jordan (since 2011). This was achieved through considering: 1. The impact of displacement and the arising marginalized masculinities, on the...
National Campaign on PWD Rights: Jordan’s Disability Law and the CRPD Concluding Observations
With the support of IM Swedish Development Partner, the IRCKHF has been given the opportunity to continue its work on researching and advocating for the rights of People with Disabilities. The overall objective of this...
Gender Guideline for Jordan 2025
In order to implement ‘Jordan 2025’, working committees have been set up to prepare the 2016-2018 Executive Development Program (EDP), which will incorporate the first phase of the Jordan 2025. The EDP identified priorities and...
Syrian Voice and Accountability Project
The Syrian Voice and Accountability Project (SVA) aimed to empower Syrian men and women to become agents in their communities and lives and enhancing the preparedness of Syrian refugees to constructively engage in humanitarian, development...
Growing up in Protracted Crises: Displaced youth experiences of transitions to adulthood in Uganda & Jordan
In partnership with the University of Dundee, IRCKHF addressed the lack of knowledge of the impacts and outcomes for youth growing up in protracted crises to improve the efficacy of policy and the targeting of...