Knowledge Sharing

Knowledge Sharing

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has recognized Access to Information a universal human right; only when civil society, the private and public sectors, all have access to reliable information can they work together towards the socio-economic development of their society. It is a part of our strategic objectives to build an information hub on socio-economic research, as well as share knowledge and network with national and international institutions to promote positive change, and we recognize that only comes through knowledge sharing and promoting and sustaining access to information. For this reason, in 2014 we launched HAQQI Information Zone, an open space for all to access information and share knowledge in the shape of legislation, research, and media, about human rights and development issues in Jordan. HAQQI means 'my right' in Arabic and is used to symbolize one's right to access information as well as the classification of that information according to universal human rights. In order for research to have an effect on development and policies, the research and information must build on each other, and this depends on sharing our knowledge and providing access to that information.