Building on IRCKHF’s extensive experience in quantitative and qualitative research and participatory methods, IRCKHF also has a history of carrying out monitoring and evaluation for development projects and initiatives, M&E training for CBOs in partnership with the Jordan Civil Society Program and USAID, third party evaluations for national and regional projects funded by USAID and the EU for INGOs such as the International Youth Foundation (IYF) and Humanity and Inclusion (HI). In 2017, in partnership with the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), IRCKHF carried out an evaluation on the effectiveness of UNHCR and UNICEF’s Cash Transfer Evaluation Program for Syrian refugees in Jordan: A Promise of Tomorrow: The Effects of UNHCR and UNICEF Cash Assistance on Syrian Refugees in Jordan.
Gender Assessment for TVET Programming
A Beyond Group-led consortium has been contracted by AFD to conduct a Gender Assessment and develop a Gender Action Plan for Vocational Training Programs. This consortium consists of Beyond Group with the Information Research Center...
Youth Shadow Councils in Local Administration
The Shadow Council for Youth gathered more than 50 youth (female and male) from three areas in Jordan Na'our, Madaba and Husban to enforce Article 4, Paragraph A-6 of the Municipalities Law 2015, which gives...
Evaluation of “Beyond Basic Education: Promoting Opportunities for transition to secondary education and Preventing Child Marriage among Syrian Refugee Girls in urban settings”
The aim of the evaluation was to monitor and evaluate the project’s objectives and activities, as well as to introduce accountability and learning so that beneficiaries provide feedback that will help guide program implementation. In...
Evaluation of the project “Every Step Makes a Difference”
The Information and Research center – King Hussein Foundation conducted the final evaluation of the project "Every Step Makes a Difference" with the implementation of the National Center for Culture and Arts in partnership with...
A Promise of Tomorrow: The Effects of UNHCR and UNICEF Cash Assistance on Syrian Refugees in Jordan
The central purpose of this project was to support UNICEF and UNHCR in obtaining a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the short and longer-term impacts of different social transfer packages being provided to Syrian...
Evaluation: Strengthening the Role of Jordanian Civil Society in Promoting Human Rights and Democratic Reform
IRCKHF conducted monitoring and evaluation for one of the Institute for Family Health - Noor Al Hussein Foundation (IFH) projects between 2008-2010. The aim of the project was to enhance the Jordanian communities’ understanding of...
CSO Sustainability Index for the Middle East and North Africa
The Information and Research Center has started assessing and preparing the Civil Society Organization sustainability since 2015, in which the four years 2011-2015 were covered. To achieve this purpose and assessment, a committee of experts...
MUSAWA: Strengthening Self Advocacy Capacities for Rights and Equal Opportunities of People with Disabilities in Middle East
In 2012, the IRCKHF conducted the final evaluation of a project conducted by Humanity and Inclusion (was known as Handicap International) entitled "Musawa: Strengthening Self Advocacy Capacities for Rights and Equal Opportunities of People with Disabilities...
Evaluation of the Impact of a New Evidence-based Medicine Program
As part of Abt Associates Strengthening Family Planning Project, the IRCKHF conducted a survey to measure the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors among participating in family planning providers in Jordan. The survey aimed to evaluate the...
Review of Reporting Data for the Program’s Performance Indicators and Recommendations for Improvements
IRCKHF conducted verification of the International Youth Foundation’s (IYF) Youth for Future (Y4F) Program’s selected key performance indicators. Specific objectives of the verification included: ensuring the quality and completeness of the evidence and forms related...
Strengthening Disabled Peoples Organizations’ Role in Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue for Democratic Change in Jordan, Egypt and Occupied Palestinian Territories
IRCKHF conducted a baseline assessment of key national Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and government representatives whom can be actively engaged in Handicap International's future plans to support Disabled Peoples Organizations (DPOs) in advocating for disability...
Market Assessment of Bani Kinanah and North Mazar Districts
This market assessment in Bani Kinanah and North Mazar is one part of a project that was seeking to improve the socio-economic situation of Jordanian and Syrian women and youth by building their skills and...
Gendering the Jordanian Parliament Research Center
This project enhanced the gender balance in Jordan by incorporating the position of women in the policy making process through gender mainstreaming the Jordanian Parliament’s Research Center, which aims to provide MPs with independent, empirical...