

Building on IRCKHF’s extensive experience in quantitative and qualitative research and participatory methods, IRCKHF also has a history of carrying out monitoring and evaluation for development projects and initiatives, M&E training for CBOs in partnership with the Jordan Civil Society Program and USAID, third party evaluations for national and regional projects funded by USAID and the EU for INGOs such as the International Youth Foundation (IYF) and Humanity and Inclusion (HI). In 2017, in partnership with the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), IRCKHF carried out an evaluation on the effectiveness of UNHCR and UNICEF’s Cash Transfer Evaluation Program for Syrian refugees in Jordan: A Promise of Tomorrow: The Effects of UNHCR and UNICEF Cash Assistance on Syrian Refugees in Jordan.

Assessing Social Value

With the increasing global demand for the evaluation of outcomes and processes by organizations and programs working to enhance the socio-economic well-being of people, IRCKHF’s research team was trained by Social Value UK to become practitioners of Social Return on Investment (SROI). In addition to evaluating social impact, using the SROI framework, IRCKHF can monetize the value of an initiative's social impact, forecast social value, and highlight multipliers to maximize impact. After all, “value is in the eye of the stakeholder.” – Dr. Peter Scholten.