In order not to leave research findings idle – we use advocacy to bridge the gap between research and policy. Our experience has taught us that advocacy cannot not take place at the policy level without the necessary awareness at the societal level. Both go hand-in-hand and are shaped by research.
It is one of our objectives to transfer knowledge-enhancement skills to individuals, communities, and institutions. We use new media for knowledge sharing, and cooperate closely with print and broadcast media when disseminating information from our research. As for advocacy, we cooperate and establish partnerships with other members of civil society when using national and international advocacy mechanisms.
In order to have positive change, the policies we advocate for need to be evidence-based. We at the IRCKHF see this as our responsibility as members of civil society, to advocate effectively about economic and social issues.
Awareness & Advocacy
Alternative Report on the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Jordan- 2022
This Alternative Report examines and provides supplementary information to Jordan’s Sixth Periodic Report, submitted in 2019, and covers child rights between 2014 and 2022. It is based on a thorough review of literature including legislation,...
Inclusion of Stipulations in Marriage Contracts
Since 2019, the Information and Research Center - King Hussein Foundation has been working on the Inclusion of Stipulations in Islamic Marriage Contracts Study, to demonstrate the right of both women and men to include...
Preventing and Responding to Child Marriage in Humanitarian Settings: A Participatory Study of Drivers, Decision-Making Factors, and Community-based Solutions
You Have a Right, a Choice …Claim It!
The King Hussein Foundation (KHF) is leading a consortium comprising of the Institute for Family Health – Noor Al Hussein Foundation (IFH-NHF), Information and Research Center – King Hussein Foundation (IRCKHF), and I Am Human...
Social Security and Women’s Employment in the Private Sector
This research explored the ways in which the social security reforms changed hiring and retention practices of women in the private sector and how the amendment impacted women’s willingness to enter and continue working in...
COVID-19 and the Double Burden on Women in Jordan
As families were forced to stay at home during the lockdown, the Information and Research Center – King Hussein Foundation, in partnership with Hivos with support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands...
Glimpses of Hope in the Era of Corona: Our Stories from Jordan
The Information and Research Center – King Hussein Foundation (IRCKHF) team recognized that it was a scary and fearful time for everyone, especially at the beginning of COVID-19 crisis escalated in Jordan, and they wanted...
Empowering the Women of Tafileh through Gender Advocacy and Civic Engagement
The overall vision of this project was to enhance civic engagement In Tafileh governorate by creating a local, grassroots community of women who are able to advocate for the gender needs of their communities and...
From Vulnerable Girls to Empowered Women
The project aims to contribute to a stronger and more synergized civil society for the enjoyment of all young women’s social and economic rights in Jordan by building the institutional capacity of community-based organizations to...
Social Media Based Research and Campaign for National Youth Strategy 2017 – 2025
In collaboration with Leaders of Tomorrow (LoT), the IRCKHF conducted social media-based research and campaign for the National Youth Strategy 2017 – 2025. The objective of this research and campaign was to collect data that...
Jordanian Shadow Report for ‘Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities’ (CRPD)
IRCKHF, in partnership with Identity Center and “I AM HUMAN” Society for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities prepared a comprehensive shadow report for the CRPD which has been presented in the reporting cycle with the...
Tobacco Smoking among Jordanian Teenagers
In an effort to raise awareness on the numerous health, social and economic harms of smoking and to urge decision-makers to draw up policies directed to curb it, the Information and Research Center - King...
Mathlouma: Removing Honor from Crimes of Honor
The IRCKHF in collaboration with the European Commission conducted a project on so-called honor crimes in Jordan. The project included a research component which depended on quantitative and qualitative research in order to obtain verifiable...
To Be a Girl in Jordan: A Legal and Cultural Bias
This project aimed to promote awareness of the girl child’s rights and advocate reformative policy change towards gender equality in the law based on evidence from research results. The research consisted of a review of...
Reversing the Gender Bias against Jordanian Women Married to Foreigners
With the sponsorship of the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR), the IRCKHF designed a research and advocacy project to reverse the gender bias against Jordanian women married to foreigners. The IRCKHF assessed...
Partners in NGO Excellence Program
In collaboration with the Civil Society Program (CSP) and as part of the 'Partners in NGO Excellence' project, the IRCKHF conducted group training for assigned Community Based Organisations (CBOs), utilizing the CSP's approved training material....
Coalition: My Nationality is the Right of my Family
The IRCKHF built the first civil society coalition "My Nationality is The Right of My Family" consisting of both organizations and individuals. The objective of the project advocated for the amendment of the Constitution to...
Empowerment of Young Women in the Workforce
The IRCKHF conducted a baseline survey to measure the awareness of students and community members and address social issues and dilemmas facing young women as they enter the workforce. Based on the findings and outcomes...
Strengthening Disabled Peoples Organizations’ Role in Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue for Democratic Change in Jordan, Egypt and Occupied Palestinian Territories
IRCKHF conducted a baseline assessment of key national Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and government representatives whom can be actively engaged in Handicap International's future plans to support Disabled Peoples Organizations (DPOs) in advocating for disability...
Kinship Care: Syrian Refugee Children in Jordan
In collaboration with Save the Children International, IRCKHF conducted a study on Kinship Care for Syrian Refugees in Jordan. The aim of the study was to increase the understanding of kinship care practices experienced by...
Market Assessment of Bani Kinanah and North Mazar Districts
This market assessment in Bani Kinanah and North Mazar is one part of a project that was seeking to improve the socio-economic situation of Jordanian and Syrian women and youth by building their skills and...
Empowering Care Leavers in Jordan: Youth Deprived of Family Ties
With the support of a Democracy and Governance Grant from FHI360 and USAID, the IRCKHF has been given the opportunity to continue its work on researching and advocating for the rights of children and youth...
Sexual Harassment Among Jordanian College Students: Pilot Testing a Promising Primary Intervention
The issue of sexual harassment is increasingly being reported by students in the Middle East, including Jordan. Preventing sexual harassment in Jordanian universities is essential to empowering women because education is associated with a number...
Gendering the Jordanian Parliament Research Center
This project enhanced the gender balance in Jordan by incorporating the position of women in the policy making process through gender mainstreaming the Jordanian Parliament’s Research Center, which aims to provide MPs with independent, empirical...
Conserving Cultural Heritage: The Resilience of Forcibly Displaced Syrian Artisans in Jordan
This project explored the resilience, vulnerabilities and identities of Syrian male refugee artisans residing in Jordan (since 2011). This was achieved through considering: 1. The impact of displacement and the arising marginalized masculinities, on the...
National Campaign on PWD Rights: Jordan’s Disability Law and the CRPD Concluding Observations
With the support of IM Swedish Development Partner, the IRCKHF has been given the opportunity to continue its work on researching and advocating for the rights of People with Disabilities. The overall objective of this...