A year after the new Law on the Rights of People with Disabilities

A year after the new Law on the Rights of People with Disabilities

Information and Research Center – King Hussein Foundation (IRCKHF) held two outreach sessions in Amman and Karak on October 29-30, 2018, which were attended by representatives of Civil Society Organizations, associations working with people with disabilities (PwD), and activists from the north, central and south governorates. The sessions were held in collaboration with the Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (HCD) and “I am Human” Society for Rights of PWD with support from the Swedish Development Partner. These sessions are part of the activities of “the new Law on the Rights of People with Disability for 2017 Outreach Sessions” project. This outreach project includes two key parts: first, awareness raising through publishing legal messages from the new law on IRCKHF social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The second part includes holding outreach sessions in Amman and Karak. These sessions were live streamed to ensure that information reaches the largest segment of those who are interested and stakeholders to achieve the desired goal, which is raising the awareness of the new Law on Rights of People with Disabilities. The new Law on the Rights of People with Disability No. (20) For 2017 was discussed in the outreach sessions in respect of laws and rights, as it is considered the first anti-discrimination against people with disabilities’ law in the Arab region. The law clearly defines the roles and responsibilities of all relevant entities and forces the ministries and public institutions to include rights of PwDs in the strategies, plans, and programs to ensure their access to the different services. The outreach session featured a discussion between the specialists and the audience, as they stressed the importance of using the term “People with Disabilities” instead of “People with Special Needs;” the center displayed a video explaining this term at the beginning of the session. The session also explained the role of the Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (HCD) of monitoring law enforcement by stakeholders such as the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and other responsible bodies. At the end of the session, most of the audience indicated that the law became more evident to them. Amman outreach session speakers were: Ms. Lara Yassin from HCD; Dr. Ihsan Al Khaldi from “I am Human” association; and the human rights expert, Mr. Kamal Al-Mashriqi. Karak outreach session speakers were: Dr. Manar Madanat; Dr. Rabaah Al-Majali, from HCD, Dr. Toqa Al-Majali; an expert in the area of the rights of people with disabilities; and Mr. Kamal Al-Mashriqi. To keep up with the outreach campaign’s messages on social media, please search for حقي_بالقانون# and #PwDJo.