Strengthening Disabled Peoples Organizations’ Role in Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue for Democratic Change in Jordan, Egypt and Occupied Palestinian Territories

Strengthening Disabled Peoples Organizations’ Role in Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue for Democratic Change in Jordan, Egypt and Occupied Palestinian Territories

IRCKHF conducted a baseline assessment of key national Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and government representatives whom can be actively engaged in Handicap International's future plans to support Disabled Peoples Organizations (DPOs) in advocating for disability rights and inclusive policies in Jordan. IRCKHF delivered sessions during the regional training and workshops in subjects such as research methodologies as well as monitoring and evaluation. IRCKHF trained 7 DPOs in the north, center, and south of Jordan and provided technical support to them as they conducted research on Access to Education in Jordan for students with disabilities. Building on the research results, IRCKHF supported the DPOs’ development of national advocacy strategies to support DPOs.

The used hashtag: #Hiwar